Boilies Baiting SHOOTER

OK! The price is right...

ZooBAITing is a baiting range exclusively distributed through selected specialized stores.

The boilies have features that distinguish our brand: aesthetically, they resemble a self-made bait, characterized by a medium/large granulation of the mix that is well-balanced and ready to enhance any fishing spot.

They are produced with high-quality ingredients such as precooked cereals and yeasts that give a distinct and appreciated taste by carp.

The only binder used is eggs (on average, 8 eggs are used per kg of mix).

Taste-wise, the baiting Shooter boilies present themselves as a fruity bait but also have a salty component. This makes them perfectly combinable with the Premium CarpHunt range, sharing some olfactory signals!

The "aggressive" price should not be intimidating. We designed this bait by optimizing the production and distribution chain.

In the last two years, the company has invested in a highly automated process both in creating the mix and the finished product.

The mix blending is done on fully automatic dosing, mixing, and packaging lines.

The boilies processing also benefits from automation specifically designed by our plant engineers.

Finally, storage and distribution are entrusted to specialized stores to ensure high production and product rotation.

Try them, you won't regret it!

Production technologies used
Steam stage cooking
Natural drying
Mixed with eggs, without artificial colorings and preservatives

Characteristic signs
Flavor pairing: Banana Cream
Sweet, incredibly sweet!
Incredible price

What combination are recommended
30g of Plus Liquid Integra or Carphunt DIP per kg of boilies at least 24 hours before use

What Carp Anglers Say
The line I've always dreamed of

Saturate the spot
Absolutely not. They are a carefully studied complementary bait...

Tips for use...

 9.0/10   Temperature maggiori 15°C 
 9.1/10   Temperature minori 15°C 
 9.8/10   Senza pasturazione preventiva 
 7.3/10   Lunghe pasturazioni 
Pack EUR Quantity
Bag 20mm / 5 Kg
Order it! Restocking on 31/01/25

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